Blue Mica body parts! (shot in the evening in a less than adequately lit room.)
and the weapons.
The Blue Mica actually sprayed darker than I thought it would. I was originally intending to paint only the light blue armour parts as I didn't really like the colour to begin with. However, because the Blue Mica sprayed dark, it was almost the same colour as the darker armour parts. If I left it at that it would mean I had a one colour scheme Gouf. No!
Hmm... What do I do? My solution: Spray the darker armour parts with semi gloss black and then paint over that with the Blue Mica. The result?
Oh yeah!I spent a lot of time building this at the kitchen table with my daughter. She likes to get her hands on my decal scissors and try to cut things. Gundam is fun, isn't it, sweetie?
I only had limited time so for the last four days I woke up at 6am and did what decaling I could until sweetie woke up at 7. It still turned out looking good though. Here's some sneak shots until I can get to work and Gallery it up!