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Monday, June 22, 2009

Odds and ends in bad weather

With the weather still damp, to say the least, I thought I would make use of this time to finish up some things non-paint related.

Here Mr. Amuro takes his rightful place in the pilot's seat.
Here is the final assembly of the leg frame. Armour will go on once it's all painted (sigh).
And the feet are ready to go except for one more piece.
After assembling it, it turns out that there is a slight gap between the frame and the foot. At first this perturbed me. Then I realized that this will serve to lengthen the feet (which I originally planned to do anyway.) and allow some space showing the piston better. Everyone wins!
I slapped the decals on the weapons. Very easy as there are few decals for these weapons.

I was asked if I was working on something else while waiting for the rain to stop. And the answer is...


Here is the 1/100 MG Lucas Strike and I.W.S.P. It will be a simple build with some custom colours and maybe some extra plastic here and there. After forging my way through this Hi Nu, I needed something easy to do. ...before I start on another hard one... which I already purchased... and have planned out... hehe.


  1. Strike E IWSP is an easy build?! haha ok man. your feet and piston work looks amazing! loved what you did on the soles, i think thats out of my skill set right now personally hehe

  2. Oh yes, all the fancy foot works look really nice. I am having this tingling newtype sensation that your Hi-Nu will look better than mine. =)

    ooohh.. MG Lucas Strike, I like all the accessories of this kit, except for the shoulders, it seems out of place to me. But thats just me.

  3. Thanks guys. don't worry GG, I won't be able to get the kind of paint job to match your Hi-Nu. Also, I agree with you about the shoulders. I think I will have to do something about them.

  4. I second that wow on the foot work. You must have some rock solid hands, I'd be all over the place with that. Agreed on the out of my league with the mods. The most you'll probably see me doing is metal options...

    The weather does suck too doesn't it? I've got a few kits to top coat, but I hear painting/top coating in 梅雨 can be disasterous.

  5. that's right! I pretty much ruined the finish on my F91 because I tried to flatcoat it on a damp day. Although, it is a pretty sunny day today so I should be able to some simple painting tonight or tomorrow morning before going to work.


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